23 Mar To 30 MarWTA 125K Antalya 2, TurkeyWTA 125 Antalya, Turkiye Singles 2025Seeded: #7Eliminated in round of 32 by S. Bejlek.MORE DETAILSFEWER DETAILSRoundOpponentsStatusScoreRound of 32Sara BejlekLost6 - 3 6 - 2
16 Mar To 29 MarMiami Open presented by ItaúWTA Miami, USA Women Singles 2025Eliminated in qualification by E. Lys.MORE DETAILSFEWER DETAILSRoundOpponentsStatusScoreQualificationEva LysLost7 - 5 6 - 3
03 Mar To 16 MarBNP Paribas OpenWTA Indian Wells, USA Women Singles 2025Eliminated in qualification by M. Carle.MORE DETAILSFEWER DETAILSRoundOpponentsStatusScoreQualificationMaria CarleLost2 - 6 3 - 6
23 Feb To 02 MarMerida Open AkronWTA Merida, Mexico Women Singles 2025Eliminated in round of 16 by E. Navarro.MORE DETAILSFEWER DETAILSRoundOpponentsStatusScoreRound of 16Emma NavarroLost6 - 1 6 - 2Round of 32Sloane StephensWon2 - 6 3 - 6QualificationHanna ChangWon6 - 4 6 - 1QualificationLia KaratanchevaWon7 - 5 6 - 4
26 Jan To 02 FebUpper Austria Ladies LinzWTA Linz, Austria Women Singles 2025Eliminated in quarter final by E. Alexandrova.MORE DETAILSFEWER DETAILSRoundOpponentsStatusScoreQuarter-FinalEkaterina AlexandrovaLost3 - 6 6 - 2 6 - 2Round of 16Elina AvanesyanWon6 - 4 4 - 6 7 - 5Round of 32Eva LysWon4 - 6 7 - 5 3 - 6QualificationZeynep SonmezWon4 - 6 3 - 6QualificationLiel RothensteinerWon4 - 6 1 - 6
06 Jan To 26 JanAustralian Open2025 Australian Open Women SinglesEliminated in round of 128 by J. Cristian.MORE DETAILSFEWER DETAILSRoundOpponentsStatusScoreRound of 128Jaqueline CristianLost2 - 6 6 - 4 6 - 7QualificationVeronika ErjavecLost2 - 6 1 - 6QualificationXinyu GaoWon3 - 6 7 - 6 6 - 4QualificationPetra HuleWon6 - 2 7 - 6
28 Dec 2024 To 04 JanWTA 125K Canberra, AustraliaWTA 125K Canberra, Australia Women Singles 2025Seeded: #5Eliminated in round of 32 by O. Selekhmeteva.MORE DETAILSFEWER DETAILSRoundOpponentsStatusScoreRound of 32Oksana SelekhmetevaLost6 - 3 3 - 6 7 - 6