29 Mar To 06 AprCopa ColsanitasWTA Bogota, Colombia Women Singles 2025Seeded: #6Tournament in progressMORE DETAILSFEWER DETAILSRoundOpponentsStatusScoreRound of 32Chloe PaquetEstimated Start Tomorrow
24 Mar To 30 MarWTA 125K Puerto Vallarta, MexicoWTA 125K Puerto Vallarta, Mexico Women Singles 2025Seeded: #5Eliminated in quarter final by J. Cristian.MORE DETAILSFEWER DETAILSRoundOpponentsStatusScoreQuarter-FinalJaqueline CristianLost6 - 1 6 - 1Round of 16Jodie BurrageWon6 - 2 3 - 6 2 - 6Round of 32Lucrezia StefaniniWon2 - 6 2 - 6
16 Mar To 29 MarMiami Open presented by ItaúWTA Miami, USA Women Singles 2025Seeded: #11Eliminated in qualification by Y. Starodubtseva.MORE DETAILSFEWER DETAILSRoundOpponentsStatusScoreQualificationYuliia StarodubtsevaLost4 - 6 3 - 6QualificationLeolia JeanjeanWon6 - 2 6 - 2
03 Mar To 16 MarBNP Paribas OpenWTA Indian Wells, USA Women Singles 2025Eliminated in round of 128 by B. Bencic.MORE DETAILSFEWER DETAILSRoundOpponentsStatusScoreRound of 128Belinda BencicLost6 - 1 6 - 1
22 Feb To 02 MarATX OpenWTA Austin, USA Women Singles 2025Eliminated in round of 16 by A. Blinkova.MORE DETAILSFEWER DETAILSRoundOpponentsStatusScoreRound of 16Anna BlinkovaLost2 - 6 2 - 6Round of 32Anna BondarWon6 - 4 4 - 6 6 - 1
08 Feb To 15 FebWTA 125 Cancun, MexicoWTA 125K Cancun, Mexico Women Singles 2025Seeded: #1Eliminated in round of 32 by I. Shymanovich.MORE DETAILSFEWER DETAILSRoundOpponentsStatusScoreRound of 32Iryna ShymanovichLost2 - 6 2 - 6
25 Jan To 02 FebWTA Singapore, SingaporeWTA Singapore, Singapore Women Singles 2025Eliminated in round of 16 by E. Mertens.MORE DETAILSFEWER DETAILSRoundOpponentsStatusScoreRound of 16Elise MertensLost7 - 6 3 - 6 1 - 6Round of 32Yuliia StarodubtsevaWon6 - 2 1 - 6 2 - 6